Coronavirus Cases


The North Dakota Department of Health dashboard is updated daily by 11 a.m. and includes cases reported through the previous day. The investigations are ongoing and information on the website is likely to change as cases are investigated. The information on the dashboard is the most up to date and may be different than previous news releases. 

Last updated: 8/13/2020


Positive Cases




Total Unique Individuals Tested




Currently Hospitalized


Total Hospitalized



Positive Cases: Number of unique individuals who test positive for COVID-19 from state and private labs.
Negative Cases: Number of unique individuals who test negative for COVID-19 from state and private labs.
Unique Individuals Tested: Number of unique people tested for COVID-19 infection at state and private labs.
Recovered: Number of cases who tested positive and have since been released from isolation and are no longer contagious. 
Currently Hospitalized: Number of individuals currently hospitalized. These numbers are updated as they’re reported to us through the Health Information Network and hospital reporting. There may be delays in reporting.  
Total Hospitalized: Total number of positive cases who are currently or were hospitalized, including individuals who have passed away.
Deaths: Number of individuals who tested positive and died from any cause while infected with COVID-19.

379,934 - Total Number of Tests Completed: This includes tests reported from all labs and does not include individuals from out of state. 


Serology Testing

Reported serology tests are completed in a laboratory and do not include point of care serology tests. Individuals who complete an antibody and a PCR test maybe be counted in totals for both.

Serology Tests
Detected Not Detected Total
282 7614 7896



Trending Curve

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Source of Exposure

Cases by Gender


Cause Cases
Deaths Due to COVID-19
Official number of individuals who died from COVID-19 as stated on the official death record. There will be a delay - by state law, a death record must be filed within 10 days of the date of death.
Deaths Where COVID-19 is Not the Primary Cause
Deaths that list something other than COVID-19 as the official cause of death.
Pending Death Records
The number of deaths where an official death record has not been filed. Per state law, this can take up to 10 days from the date of death.

Total number of individuals who tested positive and died from any cause while infected with COVID-19.

Deaths of Individuals Presumed Positive
Deaths of individuals where COVID-19 was listed as the cause of death on the official death record, but there was not a positive test result. These individuals are presumed positive by the health care provider based on symptoms and/or exposure.



Cases by Age Group


Hospitalized by age group

People who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 by age.


Cases, Rates & Recovered

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Active Cases

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By County - Total Tests Completed & Positive Cases

By City & County – Long Term Care Cases & Deaths

Statewide Deaths Within Long Term Care: 67

The information below reflects facilities that have had positive COVID-19 residents or staff within the last 60 days. After 60 days without a staff member or resident testing positive for COVID-19, they are removed from the list.  

By County - Total Unique Tests, Positives, Negatives, Recovered, and Deaths

Numbers include unique individuals tested and are not reflective of the total number tested in that county.

By County - Source of Exposure

If the number of cases isn't visible, tap section on mobile or hover over section with cursor on desktop.

By County - Rate per 100,000

Numbers include unique individuals tested and are not reflective of the total number tested in that county.

If the number of cases isn't visible, tap section on mobile or hover over section with cursor on desktop.